Posted in Hot Dates With Jesus

Wanting More

Reading through Psalm 103.
…Lord, I want to be thirsty for your truth. Parched until it touches my lips and flows into my being….

But should I compare your truth to a liquid? Or maybe something else? Hmmm….

“Milk and meat.” Both sustenance. Reflecting maturity–ones is for babies and children, and meat is for when you are older.

But milk is a liquid. It gives instant satisfaction–an in and down, and quickly reaches the aching organs crying out for satisfaction. But, even in it’s richness, it doesn’t satisfy for long because it lacks a weight to it. It’s more easily ingested, but also quickly dispelled. But meat takes time. It takes time to take in, cut into pieces first with a knife, and then with our teeth, breaking it down into easily-processed parts. Its bits and pieces then slowly make their way down, and then takes hours to fully draw every bit of nutrients and protein from it. There is so much more to be gained from it, but the time it takes to digest it proves that.

Abba, mature my heart enough for the meat. I don’t want to encourage my appetite for milk–for the instant gratification that leaves me hungry hours later. I want to hunger for the rich things of you, to be satisfied only with a meal and not a milkshake. I want to look with joy at the process of taking in the meat–to not groan at the work, or sigh at the lengthy heart-preparation process.

Everything about eating meat takes more time.

Milk? You milk it from an animal….and you’re good to go. Maybe some slight purification that needs to happen in case you’re paranoid (which probably ends up stripping it of essential nutrients), but it’s truly a source to mouth sustenance. It’s given directly to the person, with little or no effort on their part.

But meat? There is a death required. You have to catch the animal. Then take its life. You have to drain its blood. You have to remove the skin, and clear away the natural surroundings so you don’t contaminate the meat (organs, dirt, etc.). Then, you have to cut the meat from the bones–separating it from the rest of the body. This can be done before or after cooking, but it is key. Then you have to cook it–bring it to an intensely hot temperatures for a certain period of time until the meat has transformed from raw to ready, changed from bloody to juicy. Then you can cut it up and THEN it can go into your mouth. And no child can go through this process. It is done by someone older and mature until the child can learn to do this for themselves. Learning to get and prepare your own food takes work and discipline, and our society has been told that we don’t had to go through the hard work if we don’t want to. Markets with butchers are great, but freezers filled with machine-prepped meat and shortcuts of boxes and bags and abound. We’re taught that our effort spent in preparing that which we need to survive is a waste of our time.

Digestion is even different.

Milk takes between 5-7 depending on the person.
Meat takes 24-72 hours depending on the person.

I don’t say all of this as a nutritional rant. I say it as a spiritual one. Check out 1 Corinthians 3 and Hebrews 5 if you don’t believe me. Christians weren’t made to spend their lives consuming spiritual “milk”.

Abba, you made me for meat. You created me to be satisfied, filled with good things, for taking things in and processing them thoroughly. Please don’t let me linger at a stage simply because I’m lazy or unwilling to mature. I want to live out my full potential, even if that means growing up a little and having to put some effort into learning and into daily preparation. I want to lay down my convenience for the sake of my alimentation.

Free me from thinking that convenience is always my friend. I ultimately want to be and stay satisfied. You know the best way to go about that in every sense of the phrase.

I want you to train me to cautiously second-guess man-made conveniences. Not in the paranoid sense, but in the not-wanting-to-miss-out sense. I don’t want to sacrifice whole satisfaction for the sake of convenience.

Posted in Journal Entry

Being Single

I love the program that I’m currently in. Each week, we are given assignments that dig into our souls and have us asking deep questions. This week, though, is a tough one. It’s a subject I love and hate, all that the same time. “Singleness.” “Celibacy.” “Appreciating the time you have a single young lady.”

So I’m attempting to work on the assignment, and am finding it to be much harder than I anticipated. Especially since I’m quite restless at the moment, and my heart is struggling to hold to truth. The lies seem so real as I comb through these, and much easier to hold onto. Lord, help me expose the lies so that the truth can fill that void.

But somehow, blogging always helps. So, without further ado, here is my rant on why I rather dislike and struggle with being single.

(**PLEASE note that these feelings will most likely change. There are reasons to appreciate being single (see previous post on the compared benefits). The more I vent, the more God speaks and the more truth that can be applied to the wounds lies have left. Please don’t think this post demonstrates a crisis state of desperation where I am willing to go out and do ridiculous and foolish things. It’s simply me, exposing my heart about the subject of not being in a relationship and/or married. No lives of abstinence were harmed in the writing of this post.**)

My biggest challenge(s) while living single is/are:

It’s very much a challenge to be constantly pressured by friends and family and society to just HURRY UP AND GET MARRIED. If it isn’t the looming feeling from my parents, it’s with their ads on Facebook or attending the wedding of every single friend (pun intended) and me knowing that holding that caught bouquet looks hopeful, but is merely a superstition and not a promised rescue out of the not-so-glorious state of being single. I get exhausted feeling like I’m always on the market, always needing to be on very best behavior and always feeling like I need to look my best. I get tired of getting hit on by creepy guys, simply because I don’t have anyone there to defend me. It’s frustrating to to not be able to control the “when” of when my future husband will come, and God knows I start beginning to think that settling with someone who meets most of my standards (but isn’t actually “the one”) might be better than remaining single forever. As a single person, you don’t have someone around who knows your heart well enough to make sense of it and to hear you out when life gets a little too crazy. It’s also a challenge to know that I need to make plans and commitments for ministry, but may have to completely change them later for when this amazing man walks into my life. I know that being in a family or creating a family has a way of creating stability in the midst of a life where everything is constantly changing, and I don’t have that luxury. I struggle with having to be THE person in my life that is responsible and accountable for the choices I make ministry-wise without that direct covering of a husband over me. I wish I had my future husband in my life now for a constant source of wisdom and to be able to support him with his vision, cause sometimes I don’t want to keep chasing after my vision. And, I’m very excited to have kids and disciple them, but I’m afraid that I’ll be too old to actually HAVE them when my husband does come, and too old to keep up with them and their energy as they grow. Finally (but probably not the last of them) is that I really struggle with training myself to run to God when I just want someone tangible to talk to that understands me. Sadly, I’m very aware that that struggle won’t go away even when I AM married.

What I am most afraid/concerned about is:

Where to begin? Well, I realized tonight that I’m scared that God’s version of love that He will bring me will pale in comparison to how I was cared for in my last ungodly relationship that has now become my standard for how my heart needs to be loved. Part of me thinks there are life lessons I’ll never learn unless I’m married, and that I’m missing out on more than just physical intimacy. As a single young lady, I go back and forth believing that it’s my fault that I’m single–I’m either unloveable as I am, or I’ve done something wrong and deserve to be alone or unmarried. I struggle with thinking that God’s holding out on me–the oldest lie in the Book (but apparently still just as potent and effective). I’m afraid that I’ll be alone for the rest of my life without anyone to be a ‘witness’ to the crazy events and miracles. I hate the idea of being a dead-end street, without having anyone to carry on my legacy (children). I’m afraid that I am not worth marrying or getting to know–a waste of someone’s time…er…lifetime. I’m afraid that I’ll never experience legitimate physical intimacy before I die. And if I’m really honest, I sometimes believe that after all this time, God will let me get married, but the only man He brings me is some pitiful guy that will bring me remorse the rest of my life.

I’ll list my top 5 issues, plus a few bits of truth to bring them into perspective tomorrow afternoon.

Posted in Hot Dates With Jesus

Letting Him Forgive Me

“I am overwhelmed with love for you. All of those things you hold against yourself prove that you think YOU hold the measuring stick. You DON’T. You don’t measure you. You don’t qualify yourself as good enough or strong enough or forgiven. *I* do that. And when I look at you, My beautiful bride, I see who I made, and love everything I see.

“I’ve never asked you to never fail. I’ve never asked you to be perfect. All I’ve ever wanted was your genuine heart, not your exhausted efforts for perfection. When I see you, I see your determined heart, one that won’t give in, but sees the importance of pushing on. I love that about you. I love how you think things through and how you learn about Me. I love how you try and do well. But, it breaks My heart when you hate yourself for not lining up with all that you know. Please stop resenting how I’ve made you–every in and out, every weakness and strength. Your heart is after Mine and I love that. Stop resenting you for what you aren’t.

“People say you are constantly breaking things. Please know, though, though, that you weren’t made to hold onto things. “Things” don’t hold your security. I AM your security. It’s okay that in the past you’ve broken things. That doesn’t define you at all, and I don’t want you holding that against you, either.

“I love to offer my forgiveness to you, even if it’s the 700th time. Every new chance means that you have another opportunity to run after me, and not away. Your mistakes and failures don’t disqualify you from my forgiveness.

“I’ve also heard those lies pour through your mind. Lies that you are unloveable, or that you don’t deserve love. That you can’t be the object of My affection until you appear flawless. Please STOP STRIVING to deserve my love. Please stop believing the lie that My love for you has conditions. Those couldn’t be farther from the truth. I love you thoroughly–on your good days and on your bad. I love you even in the midst of your failures and still want to be close to you when you mess up. I love you immensely, regardless of how YOU see yourself.

You know that broken things need glue. Know that My love is glue for you, holding you together, mending what has fallen apart, smoothing over the cracks, filling in the holes, reinforcing the weak parts. My love makes you YOU. It isn’t poured out in scarce amounts depending on your worthiness.

And you would never be able to define a standard of “loveableness” to meet that you haven’t already met.
You are loved simply because you were made in My image. You are loved because that’s just who I am. You are loved because that’s what you were made for. You are loved simply because you’re you. The qualifications for being overwhelming, thoroughly, and invasively loved by Me were met the moment you were conceived. Not by your parents, but in My mind’s eye. When you came to My mind for the very first time, my heart was filled with love for you.